Pakistani Top Gynecomastia Surgoen

Pakistani Top Gynecomastia Surgoen

How is best Gynecomastia surgeon in Lahore

Dr Amin Gynecomastia surgeon in Lahore. For more info Call us at 0321–4945209 for Gynecomastia surgery in Pakistan As we know increase in men boobs or Gynecomastia is a medical term that comes from the Greek words for “women-like breasts.” Average men which are affected by Gynecomastiaor men boobs are an estimated 40 to 60 percent of Pakistani. For self satisfaction and firmer chest shape and men who feel self-conscious and which are not satisfied about their appearance. For all that Dr Amin yousaf top gynecomastia surgeon in Lahore offer male breast-reduction surgery in Lahore which can help to reshape their chest and improve their look. Gynecomastia surgery in Lahore is cosmetic procedure in which Dr Amin Yousaf plastic surgeon for gynecomastia in Lahore removes fat by Liposuction treatment using cannuals which remove extra fat from chest and remove glandular tissue from the men breasts by making a small cut under the nipple, and in extreme cases of gynecomastia Dr Amin Gynecomastia Surgeon in Pakistan removes excess skin, resulting in a chest that is flatter, firmer and better contoured. Dr Amin Yousaf has done more than 500 gynecomastia surgery in Lahore last year 2017

Dr Amin Yosuaf offer gynaecomastia in Lahore type of Grade

How is best Gynecomastia surgeon in Lahore

Dr Amin Gynecomastia surgeon in Lahore. For more info Call us at 0321–4945209 for Gynecomastia surgery in Pakistan As we know increase in men boobs or Gynecomastia is a medical term that comes from the Greek words for “women-like breasts.” Average men which are affected by Gynecomastiaor men boobs are an estimated 40 to 60 percent of Pakistani. For self satisfaction and firmer chest shape and men who feel self-conscious and which are not satisfied about their appearance. For all that Dr Amin yousaf top gynecomastia surgeon in Lahore offer male breast-reduction surgery in Lahore which can help to reshape their chest and improve their look. Gynecomastia surgery in Lahore is cosmetic procedure in which Dr Amin Yousaf plastic surgeon for gynecomastia in Lahore removes fat by Liposuction treatment using cannuals which remove extra fat from chest and remove glandular tissue from the men breasts by making a small cut under the nipple, and in extreme cases of gynecomastia Dr Amin Gynecomastia Surgeon in Pakistan removes excess skin, resulting in a chest that is flatter, firmer and better contoured. Dr Amin Yousaf has done more than 500 gynecomastia surgery in Lahore last year 2017
Dr Amin Yosuaf offer gynaecomastia in Lahore type of Grade
Grade 1 Gynecomasia in Lahore : Little or Small enlargement in Breast, with no or minimum fat in chest
Grade 2a Gynecomastia : little bit large breast or little prominent enlargement in breast, without excess fat is found over the Male chest
Grade 2b type Gynecomastia in Pakistan : Moderate enlargement with extra skin over the chest
Grade 3 Gynecomastia Type : Very Large and big breast with extra intensity of fat over the chest. Gynecomastia treatment in Lahore depends on the grading of enlargement.
Dr Amin Yosuaf is top gynecomasita surgeon in Lahore
Gynecomastia procedure for All type of Grade
Grade 1 Gynecomasia in Lahore : Little or Small enlargement in Breast, with no or minimum fat in chest
Men is treated by Dr Amin yousaf with liposuction alone and results for grade 1 Gynecomastia are very good results and in excellent. Grade 1 gynecomasta surgery is very simple recovery with in a week and surgery time is maximum one day.
Grade 2a Gynecomastia surgery in Pakistan: In this grade little or average in amount of fat is deposit in men breast Dr Amin yousaf Gynecomastia for this grade with liposuction of the Men chest and with removal of the breast tissue. Here the chest is contoured to match a normal chest using liposuction and then the breast tissue is removed using a 2–3cms incision near the areola. Around 90% of the breast tissue is removed to give the chest its normal male contour. Removing 100% of the breast or doing aggressive liposuction in Lahore can lead to a sunken chest appearance (also called crater deformity). Such complications should be avoided when dealing with gynecomastia in Lahore. Other rare complications include asymmetry, scar complications, collection of blood in the operated areas and bruising. Sometimes a drain (a plastic tube) may be placed at the operated site to drain out any collected fluid or blood. It is usually removed by the 2nd day after gynecomastia surgery in Pakistan.
Grade 2b gynecomastia surgery in Pakistan men also can be treated with lipo-excision alone in >90% cases. Some may require another surgery after about 3–6months for skin tightening to tackle the excess skin after gynecomastia surgery in Lahore
Grade 3 gynecomastia in Lahore generally always requires skin tightening.
Following any gynecomastia surgery in Lahore,pressure garments (Compression garments) are advised to prevent collection in the operated cavity and for better adherence of skin to the chest. All gynecomastia surgeries can be done on day care basis with admission for 9–10 hours only.
Dr Amin Yosuaf is using pioneering techniques for gynecomastia in Lahorehave been presented at many conferences for gynecomastia in Pakistan and average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree.


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